Home > MOU IIA Sri Lanka and ISC2

In an initiative to establish a mutually rewarding partnership IIA Lanka chapter, the Sri Lankan affiliate of The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) of Florida, USA (globally recognized professional body related to the field of Internal Audit) and the ISC2 Colombo Sri Lanka Chapter of ISC2 (the world’s leading nonprofit member organization for cybersecurity professionals) – recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). This MOU enshrines collaboration between the parties on training, education and knowledge sharing on best practices for the benefit of the wider stakeholders of the respective bodies including the private, public and government organizations.

IIA Lanka chapter has entered into MOUs with selected educational institutions in order to provide greater benefits to its members through collaboration with such institutions. The main objective of these MOUs is to promote and nurture, education and practice related to the field of Internal Auditing. In essence, these MOUs envisage to derive synergistic benefits of human and physical resources by capitalizing on the institutional strengths of the MOU partners.

The MOU was signed by Numair Cassim (President – IIA Lanka Chapter) and Sujit Christy (President -ISC2 Colombo Chapter) in the presence of representatives of both executive committees namely, Nuwan Fernando (Chair Education Committee – IIA Lanka Chapter), Surantha Jayatilake (Chair Advocacy Committee -IIA Lanka Chapter) and Chaminda Senewiratne (Director – Events & Training – ISC2 Colombo Chapter).
